NAMUH POP-UP Store Promotion Film
Partner : NH Investment & SecuritiesCategory : Motion Graphic
Design : Kwangmyung Lim, Hyeonmo Kim
Location : Seoul, South Korea
나무증권은 NH투자증권이 만든 모바일 증권거래 디지털 서비스입니다. 더현대 서울에서 진행된 24시간 해외투자 여행 컨셉의 나무증권공항 (NAMUH STOCK AIRPORT) 브랜드 팝업 스토어를 위한 프로모션 필름을 제작하였습니다.
NAMUH Securities is a mobile securities trading digital service created by NH Investment & Securities. We produced a promotional film for the NAMUH STOCK AIRPORT brand pop-up store with a 24-hour overseas investment travel concept in The Hyundai Seoul.