Hour Minute Seconds

Hour Minute Seconds

#604, 12, Donhwamun-ro,
Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

E. contact@hour-min-sec.com


Hour Minute Seconds pays attention to and thinks about everything in reality every moment, and implements the results of the image and atmosphere that the market wants based on our senses, knowledge, experience, association, and judgment.

ⓒ 2025. Hour Minute Seconds. All Rights Reserved.

NAMUH POP-UP Store Promotion Film

Partner : NH Investment & Securities
Category : Motion Graphic
Design : Kwangmyung Lim, Hyeonmo Kim
Location : Seoul, South Korea

나무증권은 NH투자증권이 만든 모바일 증권거래 디지털 서비스입니다. 더현대 서울에서 진행된 24시간 해외투자 여행 컨셉의 나무증권공항 (NAMUH STOCK AIRPORT) 브랜드 팝업 스토어를 위한 프로모션 필름을 제작하였습니다.

NAMUH Securities is a mobile securities trading digital service created by NH Investment & Securities. We produced a promotional film for the NAMUH STOCK AIRPORT brand pop-up store with a 24-hour overseas investment travel concept in The Hyundai Seoul.